A&S Faculty Directory

Table of Faculty Research Specialization by department, faculty name and research keywords.


Faculty Name

Research Keywords

Anthropology Rani Alexander Mesoamerican archaeology, historical archaeology of Yucatán, ethnohistory and colonialism, agrarian ecology, fauna analysis
Anthropology Fumi Arakawa Prehistoric American Southwest, lithic technological organization, pottery in Mesa Verde region, sociopolitical organization in tribal-level societies
Anthropology Kelly L. Jenks Historical archaeology, Hispanic colonization and settlement, political and social identities, regional economic systems, analysis of historical-period artifacts and aboriginal ceramics, ethnohistory
Anthropology William Walker Southwestern archaeology, ritual in prehistory
Anthropology Brenda Benefit Evolution of Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene Catarrhine primates, paleoecology
Anthropology Monte McCrossin Human evolution, primate paleontology, paleoecology
Anthropology Miriam Chaiken Participatory development, resettlement, and rural health and nutrition, gender, applied anthropology, Africa and SE Asia
Anthropology W Thomas Conelly Agriculture, ecological anthropology, applied anthropology, SE Asia, East Africa, Amish communities in the U.S
Anthropology Donald D. Pepion Ethnohistory of the indigenous Blackfoot peoples (Canada, U.S.)
Anthropology Scott Rushforth Linguistics, Native American ethnography, Athapaskan languages and cultures
Anthropology Mary Alice Scott Medical Anthropology, public health, transnational migration, Latin America
Anthropology M. Lois Stanford Applied anthropology, Latin American studies, agricultural economics
Anthropology Christine Eber Art, drugs, gender, religion, Mesoamerica, women’s studies, and writing about culture
Anthropology Beth O’Leary Southwest archaeology, cultural resource management, subarctic ethnography
Anthropology Edward Staski Urban archaeology, historical archaeology
Anthropology Wenda Trevathan Childbirth, maternal behavior, evolutionary medicine, sexuality
Anthropology Judy Berryman Cultural resource management, historical archaeology
Anthropology Stan Berryman Cultural resource management, federal archaeology
Anthropology Jennifer Robles Museum studies
Anthropology David J. Steele Medical anthropology, educational anthropology
Astronomy Reta Beebe Planets, NASA Planetary Data System
Astronomy Nancy Chanover Planets, infrared imaging, radiative transfer modeling
Astronomy Chris Churchill Quasar absorption lines, variations in fundamental constants
Astronomy Kristian Finlator Galaxy Evolution, the Intergalactic Medium, Cosmological Reionization
Astronomy Jon Holtzman Stellar populations, star clusters, galactic structure, cosmology
Astronomy Jason Jackiewicz Solar physics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, stellar evolution
Astronomy Anatoly Klypin Cosmological simulations, large scale structure
Astronomy R.T. James McAteer Solar astrophysics and space weather research group
Astronomy Jim Murphy Mars climatology, numerical modeling
Astronomy Moire Prescott Lyman-alpha nebulae, kinematics of gas within the cosmic web
Astronomy Rene Walterbos ISM, stellar populations, star formation, galaxy morphology
Astronomy Kurt Anderson Galaxy morphology, active galactic nuclei, planets
Astronomy Herb Beebe The Tombaugh Project, history of New Mexico astronomy
Astronomy Nicole Vogt Galaxy formation and evolution, astronomy education research.
Astronomy Bill Webber Cosmic ray physics, isotopic studies, gamma ray distribution
AFROTC Captain Michael Vetri Air Force, Military, Officer, AFROTC, Air Force Academy, Cyber, Cyber Network Defense, Cyber Operations, Track and Field, Sprint, Hurdle, Martial Arts, Krav Maga
AFROTC Captain Evin Greensfelder Air Force, Military, Officer, AFROTC, Aircraft Maintenance, James Madison University, CrossFit, Instructor, Military History, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, RPA, UAV, F-16, QF-4, T-38
AFROTC Lieutenant Colonel Jeremiah Klom Air Force, Military, Officer, AFROTC, Air Force Academy, Space Operations, Satellite Command and Control, Nuclear Missile Operations, Pentagon, International Affairs, Korea, China, Chinese, Fudan University, University of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Attaché, Olmsted Scholar, Marathon, Triathlon
Biology Donovan Bailey Plant Systematics
Biology William Boecklen Population & Community Ecology
Biology James Cain Wildlife-habitat Relationships, Large Mammal Ecology, Wildlife Management and Conservation
Biology Colleen A. Caldwell Fish physiology and aquatic toxicology
Biology Scott Carleton FWCE Cooperative Research Unit
Biology Maria Castillo Immunology
Biology Jennifer Curtiss Cell & Developmental Biology
Biology Kathryn Hanley Virus Evolutionary Ecology
Biology Immo Hansen Molecular Vector Biology
Biology Peter Houde Avian Systematics
Biology Emily Indriolo Plant Molecular Biology, Cell Signalling
Biology Avis James
Biology Patricia Lodato Microbiology
Biology Giancarlo Lopez Animal Physiology
Biology Karen Mabry Ecology and Animal Behavior
Biology Brook Milligan Evolutionary Genetics
Biology Michele Nishiguchi Evolutionary Biology
Biology Gary Roemer Mammalogy, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Population Dynamics,Fish, Wildlife, Conservation Ecology
Biology Elba Serrano Biophysics, Science and Ethics
Biology C. Brad Shuster Cell & Developmental Biology
Biology Michèle Shuster Science Education and Genetics
Biology Geoffery Smith Environmental Microbiology
Biology Graciela Unguez Neuromuscular Physiology; Developmental Neurobiology
Biology Tim Wright Animal Behavior & Evolution
Biology Jiannong (John) Xu Genomics
Chemistry Jeffery B. Arterburn Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Amanda K. Ashley Biochemistry/Toxicology
Chemistry Gary A. Eiceman Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry Aravamudan S. Gopalan Organic Chemistry
Chemistry James W. Herndon Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Kevin D. Houston Biochemistry
Chemistry Michael D. Johnson Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Antonio S. Lara Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry Feifei Li Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Shelley L. Lusetti Biochemistry
Chemistry Barbara A. Lyons Biochemistry/Physical
Chemistry William A. Maio Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Paola E. Mera Biochemistry/Toxicology
Chemistry William Quintana Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Gary D. Rayson Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry Sergei N. Smirnov Physical Chemistry
Chemistry Marat R. Talipov Physical Chemistry
Chemistry Erik T. Yukl Biochemistry
Chemistry Cynthia G. Zoski Analytical Chemistry
Computer Science Huiping Cao Data mining,graph mining, sequence (spatiotemporal, time series) data mining, graphical models,graph search, data integration, query processing (spatial, graph data), table summarization
Computer Science Jonathan Cook software engineering,include dynamic analysis, software monitoring, AOP for monitoring purposes, understanding scientific computing behavior, software process, dynamic and static analysis of wireless/embedded computing (especially AVR-based systems), and workflow characterization for architecture performance analysis
Computer Science Hing Leung Automata, Theory of computation
Computer Science Satyajayant Misra Wireless Sensor Ad-Hoc Networks,Node placement for Connectivity/Survivability; Energy Harvesting, Sensors designs and development; Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Communication,Scalable and Holistic Protocol design for users privacy & security and efficient system utilization,Anonymity in Social Graph Structures, Security from Sybil Attacks, Use of Social Networks for improving Human Communication, Expanding on one-sided communication primitives and scaling them for exascale High Performance Computing
Computer Science Inna Pivkina Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming, computer science education, data mining
Computer Science Enrico Pontelli Constraint Logic Programming, Programming Languages, Parallel Processing
Computer Science Joe Song Multivariate likelihood joint quantization, Generalized logical networks, Data-driven discrete and continuous dynamical system modeling, Data stream clustering, Computational systems biology applications, Biomass conversion in yeast, Cell cycle exit modeling in fruit fly, Gene interactions in cerebellar development
Computer Science Zachary O. Toups designing and developing systems from this data; and user studies with built systems in the lab and in the field. Zero-fidelity simulations that capture abstract, human-centered aspects of practice; mixed reality computing that engages players in human-human, human-environment, and human-computer interaction; and mobile, collaborative technologies that support sensemaking in disaster
Computer Science Son Tran Reasoning about Actions and Changes, Planning, Scheduling, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Autonomous Agents, Robotics, and Control Theory, Argumentation, Logic Programming, Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Computer Science Mai Zheng data storage, non-volatile memory, file systems, big data & cloud storage, GPU memory, data-intensive computing
Math Louiza Fouli Rees algebras, residual intersection theory, edge ideals of graphs, the core of ideals, study of systems of parameters, tight closure and integral closure
Math Patrick Morandi Universal algebra and connections with point-set topology, pointfree topology, finite-dimensional division algebras, noncommutative valuation theory
Math Bruce Olberding Commutative algebra, valuation theory and module theory
Math Susana Salamanca-Riba Representation theory of lie groups
Math Dante De Blassie  Brownian motion, reflected Brownian motion and conditioned Brownian motion; stochastic differential equations and diffusion processes; symmetric stable processes; exit times
Math Tiziana Giorgi existence, uniqueness (up to a guage) and stability of minimizers to energy funtionals with applications to superconductivity
Math Doug Kurtz maximal functions, singular integrals, multipliers, Littlewood-Paley operators, weighted norm inequalities
Math Joe Lakey time-frequency analysis, wavelets, information theory and applications to signal processing, discrete dynamical systems
Math Robert Smits stochastic differential equations, spectral theory, asymptotic analysis, heat kernels, large deviations, mathematical finance, eigenvalue estimates
Math Christopher Stuart uniform boundedness principles, barrelled spaces, the topological vector space properties of sequence spaces
Math Mary Ballyk Mathematical Models Involving Multiple Resource Limitation
Math Ernie Barany Applied Dynamical Systems, Control Theory
Math Marcus Cohen Mathematical Physics
Math David Pengelley classical Greek and eighteenth to nineteenth century mathematics
Math Guram Bezhanishvil Ordered algebraic structures, lattices with operators, and their applications to logic; topological and order-topological models of non-classical logics; algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic; orthomodular structures and quantum logic, intuituionistic and modal logics; and formal concept analysis
Math John Harding Ordered algebraic structures, lattices with operators, and their applications to logic; topological and order-topological models of non-classical logics; algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic; orthomodular structures and quantum logic, intuituionistic and modal logics; and formal concept analysis
Math Patricia Baggett designing and testing mathematics curricular materials for prospective and practicing K-12 teachers
Math Gerald M. Lodder Topology, Geometry, Mathematics Education, History of Mathematics
Math Tonghui (Tony) Wang Bootstrap methods, multivariate analysis, and linear models in statistics
Math Theodore B. Stanford Mathematics Education
Math Jianjun Tian Applied mathematics, mathematical biology, and biostatistics
Math Jameson Cahill Appled Harmonic Analysis
Math Andres A. Contreras Marcillo
Math Nicholas Michalowski Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis, Probability
Sociology Stephanie M. Arnett’s education, inequality, race/ethnicity, research methods, Latin America
Sociology David G. LoConto Disability Studies, Early American Sociology, Social Psychology, Ethnic Studies
Sociology David G. Ortiz Social Movements, Civic Engagement, State Repression,Time-Diffusion of Social Processes, Political Sociology, Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Digital Media, Latin America, Peace and Conflict Studies, Research Methodology
Sociology Patricia Hoffman Family, Research Methods, Environmental Sociology
Sociology Kathryn Hovey Social Theory, Criminology, Social Control, Deviance, Urban and Rural Communities
Sociology Alison Newby Demography, Migration, U.S. – Mexico Border
Sociology Cynthia Fabrizio Pelak Social Inequality, Multi-racial Feminist Theories, Sociology of Sports, Race and Ethnic Relations, Collective / Social Memory, Social Change and Social Movements
Sociology James Rice International Political Economy, Environmental Sociology, Theory
Sociology Julie Steinkopf Rice Post-Marxism,  Alternative Economies, Economic Subjectivity, Community Development, Public Sociology
Sociology Sandra Way Sociology of Education, Stratification, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Juvenile Delinquency
Music Michael Armendariz Music Business, percussion performance and technique
Music Laroy Borchert clarinet, ear training and sight singing, woodwind ensemble, and History and Analysis of the Symphony
Music Katie Brennan Music Theory and Ear Training
Music Fred Bugbee Percussion Quartet
Music Lon Chaffin Music Theory, Composition
Music Sarah Daughtrey Vocal Diction, Vocal Pedagogy and Literature
Music Jorge Espinoza Violoncello, Chamber music
Music John Flanery Choral Conducting, Choral Director
Music Simón Gollo Orchestra Director, Violin, Chamber Music
Music Nancy Joy Horn Performance , Music Education
Music Allan Kaplan Trombone, Low Bass
Music Lonnie Klein Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra
Music Ingrid Larragoity-Martin Instrumental Conducting program, Wind Symphony
Music Jorge Martinez-Rios Viola, Chamber Music
Music Frank "Pancho" Romero Trumpet Performance, Jazz Ensembles
Music James Shearer Tuba, Euphonium, Music history and music appreciation 
Music Laura Spitzer Piano, Music History
Music Rhonda Taylor Saxophone and Music Theory
Music Lisa Van Winkle Flute, Ear Training
Music Daniel Vega-Albela Violin, Chamber Music