Faculty Resources

Annual Allocation of Effort Guidelines

Faculty Evaluations/APR's

Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark Faculty Success  allows NMSU faculty to track teaching, research, and service activities. It also allows for the easy generation of annual Performance Evaluation reports, promotion and tenure reviews, NIH and NSF Biographical Sketch reports for grant application, and reports to external constituents.

Faculty Leave- Sabbatical and Other

Emeritus Status - According to NMSU ARP 8.65, faculty members might be eligible to receive Emeritus status upon separation, whether by retirement or resignation, from New Mexico State University. The minimal conditions of eligibility to request Emeritus status are:

  • That the faculty member is eligible for retirement under the New Mexico Educational Retirement Act or the Federal Civil Service; and
  • That the faculty member is tenured by the university; or is a college faculty who has been promoted (as per College Faculty promotion policies) to the rank of college professor.

The College of Arts & Sciences views Emeritus status as a recognition of meritorious and continuous excellence during the service at New Mexico State University and a privilege granted in recognition of such service.

Emeritus status should be requested, according to the procedure described below, and approved:

  • It is the responsibility of the faculty member to request consideration for Emeritus status.
    • The request should be made in writing to the academic department head (or the Dean in case of a request from a department head).
    • The request should include a narrative describing the motivation for the request and expected future contributions to the institution.
  • The departmental recommendation for Emeritus status should be developed as follows:
    • The request should be reviewed by the P&T committee in the department; in the case of a request from a College-track faculty, the committee should also include at least one College-track faculty at the rank of Professor (appointed by the Dean if no suitable candidates are available within the Department).
    • The committee should review the request and provide a recommendation to the Department Head, inclusive of a vote count.
    • The Department Head develops their own recommendation and the two recommendations are sent to the Dean for review along with the complete request portfolio.
    • The final recommendation is communicated by the Dean to the Provost and to the Benefits Services office.
  •  Sample Memo Requesting Emeritus Status for Faculty