Promotion & Tenure

Policies & Procedures

Current P&T Cycle Information


  • Feb 9, 2024: Faculty member declares in writing intent to apply
  • Mar 29, 2024: DH and departmental committees provide recommendation to candidate
  • Apr 26, 2024: DH and P&T committee chair work with candidate to identify external reviewers/prepare material
  • Apr-Jun 2024: DH oversees process of communicating with external reviewers
  • Aug 23, 2024: APR and Annual DH appraisal conducting early for candidates. Portfolio made available to DH for initial review
  • Sep 3, 2024: DH completes review of portfolios, verifies portfolios are complete and correct, adds external review materials
  • Sep 24, 2024: P&T committee reviews portfolio, makes recommendation to DH
  • Oct 8, 2024: DH provides recommendation for promotion and/or tenure, candidate is notified of review
  • Oct 15, 2024: Departmental reviews provided to relevant College Faculty Affairs Committee to begin review process
  • Nov 12, 2024: College Faculty Affairs Committee reviews all applications for tenure/promotion and provides Dean with their recommendations
  • Dec 10, 2024: Dean completes evaluation of applications and makes college recommendations available for review
  • Dec 17, 2024: College recommendations transmitted to the Provost
  • Jan-Feb 2025: Dean meets with the Provost to discuss recommendations for each candidate. Final decisions are made.