Academic Planning

Academic planning at the department level can be broken down into three levels: program level planning about what goes in the NMSU catalog, course level planning (course modifications, deletions, and new courses), and course scheduling. Currently course scheduling is done per academic term, and course and curricular revisions are done once per year. Program revisions and new program proposals are made less frequently as needed, sometimes in response to an academic program review. Each needs to be done in consultation with your faculty and requires further approvals. Information about the systems used to make and track changes of each type, and timetables, and be found on the following NMSU Records pages:


Course Scheduling & Funding


New Course Proposal Principals & Criteria

  1. What is the source of need for the new course? What programs will the course serve? How have those programs been consulted and expressed support?
  2. Is this a growth course, reflecting overall growth both in terms of faculty and students, or is it a replacement course as aspects of the program will be phased out?
  3. If replacement, which course(s) are being phased out?
  4. Is the course required or elective (explain if needed)
  5. How often will the course run? What is the anticipated enrollment? Please be explicit.
  6. Who will teach the course? (If upper division/graduate)
  7. In your department, how many unique courses (not including cross listed/taught together classes) will the average faculty member teach over a two-year cycle?

Justification and description: broad enough to allow course to evolve, specific enough to explain how it fits in the overall curricula it serves.