Things to Consider

As department heads you juggle various roles and responsibilities. Remember, your success hinges on leveraging the diverse resources at your disposal. From leadership guides to project management tools, there's a wealth of support available to help navigate these multifaceted roles.

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education has a helpful article discussing the five core responsibilities you will face as a department head.
  • NMSU provides a helpful video with an overview for managers.

Common Challenges for Department Heads

  • Become “the department”
    • Understand all the capabilities of the department
    • Ability to represent the department to the rest of the institution and the community
  • From Individual to Collective
    • Manage a collection of individuals into an organic unit
    • Create consensus and shared visions
    • Manage activities involving teams
  • Balance loyalty to the department with loyalty to the college/institution
    • Advocate for the department
    • Understand the bigger picture and the needs of the college and institution
    • Communicate in both directions