Student Systems & Information


The primary systems for accessing individual student information are Banner, accessed through the launchpad in, and STAR audit. The primary system for accessing information about your majors and your courses is Cognos, also accessed through the Banner launchpad. Other systems you may wish to access for student information and scheduling information include: ADASTRA (scheduling), SLATE (graduate applications), and EAB (student advising). When accessing these systems from off-campus you will need to access them through the VPN.

Student system access requests are made through NMSU System Access Request. Once logged in, click the “View edit access” link, then click on the system tab, and check the appropriate boxes – click here for sample.

Click here for a guide about registering students in Banner.

The following is a list of some of the types of access a department head might need:

Banner Student:

  • STUDENT – View
  • Update – Registration processing
  • JOB – Classlist
  • Update – Registration overrides

Cognos Student:

  • Class list
  • Advising documents
  • Class schedule

Cognos General Student Reports – STU_CONSUMER:

  • Campus: MA – NMSU – Las Cruces (Main)
  • Colleges at NMSU – Las Cruces (Main): select AS and GR (if applicable). Same for UO (if applicable)
  • Select your majors that appear


  • Web Advisor

Once all the desired access is checked, complete the non-disclosure agreement and submit the request. Please note that the data provided through these systems is subject to FERPA, HIPAA, etc. If you are not sure whether or not you need access to a particular system, we recommend checking with us or waiting to request it. It will take several days for approval and setup. You should get an acknowledgement once the request is in place. Please check with us if there seems to be a delay.

The following are lists of specific Banner screens and Cognos reports that you might find helpful for accessing and gathering student information. Please work with your admin or contact the Dean’s office if you need assistance accessing or working in these screens or reports or if you would like to request information that is not available on an existing report.

Recommended Banner student screens:

  • SFAREGS – Register student for classes
  • SFAREGQ – Student schedule with details
  • SOAHOLD – Registration holds and who placed them
  • SFASTCA – Registration audit history (helpful for questions about who registered someone for a class)
  • SFASLST – Class roster (also in Cognos; also useful for checking missing grades as grading deadline approaches)
  • SFASRPO – Registration overrides
  • SPAIDEN – Obtain 800 number via student name and vice versa

Recommended Cognos student reports:

  • ST-MJR-LIST(WS) – list of majors by program and term
  • ST-R0008-ACAD-INTEREST – For additional majors and minors that have been declared
  • ST-R0224-DEGREE-LIST(WS) – List of degrees award with student info by degree type and term]
  • ST-R0236-ACTIVE-STUDENTS – Good for checking continuing students who have not yet enrolled for coming semester
  • ST-R0018-WAITLIST-SUMMARY – Numbers of students on waiting lists
  • ST-R0562-WAITLIST-BY-CRS – Actual students currently on waiting lists, by course or section
  • ST-CRS-SCHD – List of courses offered by semester, including numbers enrolled. Useful for tracking enrollment
  • ST-R0020-CLS-ROSTER – Current roster, course or section level


There are several student-related forms that will require your signature. The majority of those forms can be found on the Student Records Page. Once the form has your signature, please send to for processing.

Sample list of student-related forms requiring your signature: