Discovery Scholars- Benchmarks

Students become Discovery Scholars when they and a faculty or staff mentor choose to embark on a project of scholarly work. As the project develops, scholars accomplish certain benchmarks on the list below. Upon completion of 7 benchmarks, students become graduates of the Discovery Scholars Program!

*Note regarding scholarship projects started before application to DSP: Students may have a scholarship/research project in progress before applying to DSP. That is not a problem — DSP can accept the project retroactively. Complete the application form as if the project is new — list the milestones for the entire project, even if some of them were completed prior to the DSP application.

DSP will celebrate progress towards the seven benchmarks. When a student joins the program, both student and mentor will receive a DSP t-shirt. At the completion of 3 benchmarks, the student and mentor receive a DSP messenger bag, and at the completion of 7 benchmarks, the student and mentor receive a DSP hoodie. The student also receives a DSP stole to wear at graduation.

List of Benchmarks

  • Project description, timeline, and milestones developed with mentor; on file with DSP
  • Complete half of project milestones
  • Complete project
  • Present scholarly work at URCAS
  • Attend a professional conference (without presenting)
  • Present scholarly work at conference, exhibition, recital, film festival, reading, etc.
  • Take the GRE
  • Author or co-author a manuscript submitted for publication
  • Promote #DiscoveryScholars ten times on social media
  • Attend workshop on applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program
  • Apply for the NSF GRF program
  • Apply for graduate or professional school
  • Apply for an artist residency
  • Apply for solo exhibition or performance