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NMSU alumnus to give talk on marketing innovation

New Mexico State University alumnus Maury Giles will return to his alma mater this week to share his expertise on “Inspiring Game-Changing Marketing Innovation.” His talk will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, at the Health and Social Services College Auditorium, Room 101A.

NMSU alumnus Maury Giles is president of Strategy3, a multi-disciplinary marketing strategy company.

A graduate of the Department of Communication Studies, Giles is now president of Strategy3, a multi-disciplinary marketing strategy company in Austin, Texas whose clients include Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & Johnson.

“The purpose of Giles’ speech is to talk about methods for persuasive communication and marketing and to draw attention to possible careers for students who study communication,” said Kenneth Hacker, communication studies department head in the College of Arts and Sciences.

“He will address what he does as the president of an international marketing firm, what he has learned from studying political communication and commercial marketing in the past, and what news methods of analytics he uses today to design more effective persuasion and marketing strategies.”

Giles has almost 20 years of marketing research, analytics and communication strategy expertise across numerous industries. Before making the transition to marketing guru, Giles was a journalist for the Las Cruces Sun-News. He is a three-time recipient of the Advertising Research Foundation David Ogilvy Award for his work at Wirthlin Worldwide, GSD&M Idea City and his own boutique consultancy, Pursuit.

This talk is free and open to the public and is intended especially for “students who want to know what careers can found with the study of communication, campaigners who want about cutting edge developments in marketing innovation and anyone who wants to think about news ways of generating new business, new customers, or new ways to present their organizations,” Hacker said.